Friday, June 6, 2008

detik detik

tinggal beberapa detik lagi ini sebuah penantian yang kosong hampa

15 minute again

Tonight not all that 15 minutes there is one that is strange the night night gini how come posting but this very exhilirating waiting really in order to be waiting for an answer from one perjuangan.detik this second really, has remained 10 minutes


Announcement waiting um ugm I was concerned enough whether I was received what tidak.Rasa him wanted to continue to see his announcement and finally????????????
Have a headache it seems deg deg was accepted moga my prayer was granted (amen) .hitungan this hour was the feeling that made my heart pounding dbar, maybe this became waiting not have a point..............
If I was not received in ugm I stayed happy this not the end of all him still had one million roads towards the success tetep strong the lecture not in ugm, received kasi on the support of all the friends ortu sorry if I disappointed you all and at the instigation of me I to receive the seat in ugm must have his wisdom continued to try as hard as possible to not forget to have to not pray and lose hope.
Finally moga was accepted in ugm. (amen amiien amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieenn).

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This nation has indeed changed first he said people him were friendly friendly well now the demonstration with the clash, the fellow nation child struck mutually slim in the period media almost his news ngupas kerusuhan.Belum again that pilkada was just the same whether this people has was squeezed by the economic situation until being easy to be provoked esmosi.Aduh heavy if everything was completed with the violence necessarily we sat with mutual conferences gitu!